About a year ago, my darling husband purchased a book from a garage sale as a surprise for me. Although I am purely an amateur, he knows how I love researching family history and of course not always my own family! I know that many of you will relate to getting side-tracked as one course of research leads to another.
The book he presented to me is in a  terrible condition but the contents are absolutely fascinating and so begins my quest to find out how this book made it's way to Australia from the United Kingdom via Ireland. The seller of the book explained to my husband that his father had purchased it at auction in Ireland many years ago and he had been the guardian since the passing of his father.
Some of the detail in the book is so easy to read whilst others are more difficult. It is essentially divided into two parts. One section holding loose sheets of receipts/recipes, various jottings made by Sarah Gregory beginning from 19 November 1695 and many other receipts/recipes gathered from her family, neighbours, midwives and Doctors. The other section of the book contains hand-written biblical passages from a gentleman whom I believe to be named Isaac Brinky and is dated 4 March 1669. The interpretation of Isaac's surname will take me on another quest as I delve deeper into the origins and characters mentioned within the pages. I hope that my journey will also connect Isaac to Sarah.
The book is pictured in the condition I received it!
I have titled this blog "Sarah's Window" as we journey with Sarah and those around her, and peek inside their windows of the past.

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