Mrs Thursfield's Receipt for Cure Hams

To a ham about sixteen pounds take 12 ounces of common salt, 2 oz of petre salt, one oz of salt petre, one penny worth of gunpowder beat small 1/2 pound coarse. Mix all together and rub it in before the fire, let it lay three weeks, baste it and turn it every day then dry it wood smoke.
Boil it two hours the first day then I let it stand in the water till cold, the next day boil it in fresh water as long as you think will be sufficient, for the size of the ham.

My Dear Mother's Minc Pyes

5 pounds of beef, 7 pounds of suett, 5 pounds of currants if you put raisons if not 6 pounds, 2 pounds of new raisons stoned and shred. 16 large pipens (apple) shred, 1 pound of sugar or more, 1/2 pound of sweet beets if you please and 6 or 7 nutmegs, 1 ounce of cinnamon and 1/2 an ounce of mace, 1/2 ounce of cloves, some salt and pepper, a quart of sack (Sweet wine), the juice of two large lemons with ye rind of them shred, 1/4 pint of rose water, a pint of vergis but if you put in the juice of lemons half a pint may do.

To Pickol small Cucumber's

Lay them in salt and water 48 hours, shifting ye water once, then wipe them carefully and put them into a jar, boyl white wine vinegar, ginger and jamaica pepper according to ye quantity, pour it boiling hot on them. Stop them close, let them stand a day, repeat boyling ye pickol evry day till they are green.

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